Assignment It's so Surreal!! Part 1

Dali Atomicus, by Philippe Halsman

This photograph is taken by Philippe Halsman, and the work is inspired by Dalí’s painting Leda Atomica. Halsman created an elaborate scene to surround the artist that included the original work, a floating chair and an in-progress easel suspended by thin wires. Also, next to the flowing water, there are three cats. I like this picture because it has kind of realistic feature and also surrealistic feature in it, and this definitely makes the photograph stunning and impressive. 

I found this picture online but I did not figure out the artist. I love this picture because it is so surreal. One day, I was walking on the street and I saw a squirrel run on the wire. I was thinking that I wish I can walk on the wire. When I see this picture, I like the black and white which makes the picture more old and vintage. 


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